jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

The final session: writing a brief essay.

The topic I chose to write this last blog is about my experience of learning English at the university. The English course was incorporated into the new curriculum for midwifery career because they think students need to master another language and who better than the English, since it is one of the most used today.
English is very important in our training as professionals, as always we will be confronted with new situations and we should be able to respond to them.

Well, I began the course of English at the first level: started, and is now completing the fourth and final level: preintermediate, so I think I have enough experience to speak on this subject.
The incorporation of English into our race was fantastic from the fist purchase knowledge view, however, development and methodology of course English is not adequate. This is based on that only students who have an existing knowledge base on English, can meet the learning objectives.
Maybe with new generations of students to develop levels of English could be improved so that they could be exploited in the best way for students to start entering students according to a test level and according to that module should be leveled so that everyone could have a similar knowledge base. It is more for students who started it should start at basic things to teach in the following nieveles adequate progress is achieved.
Another important point is that the instance of learning English, gives us the opportunity also, to discover other hidden abilities we have and the opportunity to share with co eople in our careers that do not normally share and meet some students of kinesiology.

In conclusion, learning English is very necessary, perhaps not for everyday life, but gives us the opportunity to travel to places where they speak English and understand what they say no problem maybe we can acquire the ability to read a paper which are in English without difficulty.
Moreover, in the world population most used language is English, and as professionals of excellence should be at the height of the situation.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

A travel experience

Hello everyone! This time I will write about the travel.

Usually almost all the people love to go travel and see new places, I include myself in this. I like to travel, and usually do in the summer, because at that time where there is more time and there are no concerns of the study, besides my boyfriend and my family are more unemployed.

Since I was born, my family was the custom each year to travel to the beach, but we were bored of doing the same thing, then, three years ago decided to travel to visit different places in Chile, and so far we have known La Serena, Quintero, Papudo and Maitencillo, and this holiday season we will travel south, perhaps to relax or meet Chiloé baths.

Before traveling I feel very anxious, because it is not how will this place to go, for example in climate do not know what clothes to wear in my suitcase, or will the people living there, or that new things will know.

I would like to travel and see other places, first I would like to know all of Chile, because they always say that within the country there are many beautiful places where you travel, and all very different, with different things to do also depend on the weather we encounter. After learning about Chile, I would like to travel and meet some European countries, travel to Australia to visit my aunt and also to the U.S. to know the Disney parks.

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

Blog 6: The films

Hello everyone! This time I will write about movies.

I love watching movies when I have some free time, most often watch movies at home, because it is more comfortable, you can see them lying down or stop if you have to do something, but I'd rather go to the movies, since the images look spectacular.

Among all genres of films available, I prefer thrillers, the action, the romantic and especially those of "monkeys" cartoon (or children) and comedies, but I see all kinds of movies.
Comedy films are good, I like because they are very funny and entertaining. My favorite actor of such movies is Adam Sandler, the acting in films like "Big Daddy" or "As if the first time."

I like children's movies because they always have any meaning or any educational leave you are very good films that make Disney and Pixar, some of my favorite movies are: "Monster Inc", "Aladin", "Family of the Future" "Madagascar" among others, I really like almost all.

The last movie I saw called "Los mercenarios" is an action movie, which in summary is a group of seasoned mercenaries who travel to a country in South America to save him from his evil dictator who governs it, in it act well-known figures such as Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Bruce Willis and others who are also known.

I hope you also enjoy watching movies.

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Blog 5: A discussion of a scientific paper

This time my blog will be on one of the myths found in the present work and Dr. Pedro Maldonado about the brain on Tuesday just past, where the myth is: "But I read somewhere that we only use 10% of our brain anyway."

Well, I think this myth is totally false, since people need to use more than 10% of his brain to find some situation, for example when a singer has to give his concert before the audience, you must activate several places your brain, because the singer has to look at people, also need to remember the song memorized, you listen and has to speak, so while parts of his brain must be working, and if only work a 10% of his brain would not be possible. As described by Dr. Maldonado this would have been seen with imaging techniques, where several brain regions would be linked together for understanding and production for example of language so that a situation would trigger a specific area of the brain, but also trigger secondary regions to be understood as a whole.

As stated by Dr. Maldonado is said that each neuron is surrounded by about ten glial cells, which explains the myth, however it has been determined that these cells are those that give nutrition, stability and protection neurons, therefore, in my opinion, despite the fact that neurons occupy a smaller proportion of the brain that glia, the two are complementary. Since neurons without glial cells could not function or fulfill the function of producing nerve impulses that carry information and connect the different parts of the brain.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Blog 4: Stress

In this occasion I will write about what I think about the stress.
Well, that I mean by stress as a clinical condition is that the stress is given by an increase in anxiety over a situation which can vary depending on the person. Some of the most common symptoms that can identify a person with stress include stomachache, fatigue, tiredness, irritability, sleep problems, among others. An example of this may be the students before an exam is felt by some nervous, others feel stomachache, others give more like going to the bathroom, everyone reacts differently to as stressful situation.
According to what I believe, affects women more than men, because they are more susceptible in some periods of the month by hormonal changes. And according to Dr. Enrique Jadresic, president of the Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery at the Clinica las Condes, stress affects them more because both the autonomic nervous system as it is axes neuroendocrinos are more sensitive.
The labor productivity is greatly affected, because people are not totally focused on the activities to be performed, perhaps because they feel discouraged or can not concentrate and think on how to solve the problem they feel, them work becomes secondary.
The most common causes of stress may be a concern, the work load, avery long time, any untoward or any difficult problem.
The most typical ways of dealing with stress according to my opinion are sleeping well, exercising and eating healthy, if that fails clearly there to visit a doctor.


martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Blog 3: Healthy lifestyles

In this occasion I will write about the person who have a healthy lifestyle.
People who lead healthy lifestyles, have different habits that Hill allow a good quality of life, among them we find the exercise, diet, do not use substances such as alcohol and drugs (at least not in excess)

A person who carries a healthy lifestyle is concerned with eating a healthy diet that meets certain requirements, such as being balanced, incorporating fruits and vegetables, not eating junk food, eat at fixed times and drink enough water.
Also concerned about making any kind physical activity, it must be at least three times a week for about thirty minutes.
Achieving healthy styles brings many positive effects on people is lives, such as disease prevention, a better mood and good self-esteem among others.

People who have a generally healthy lifestyles goes on holiday to place where they can breathe clean air, such as beach, field, mountain, or places where they can engage in recreational activities. However, any of these places you choose to go on holiday will need to bring appropriate clothing to weather and to the possibilities of carrying out the activities you decide to.

Today unfortunately, it is very difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, this is because the pace of life that takes, for example for most student, it is difficult to make any kind of physical activity primarily due to lack of time.
I do like to do some physical activity, but during the day there are classes, when I get home it is too late and should be further studied.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Blog 2: My favourite get-away

My favourite getaway is Matanzas, is located in the town of Navidad, in the sixth Region. Matanzas is a beach of cold water and of gray sand, in its surroundings you can find places where field with crops, with fruit trees and animals and also a forest, but unfortunately this has disappeared in recent years because they foreigners come to buy land to build their houses.

For my it is a special place because early on, every year we go on holidays with my family; before we were hiring a house, then went in a tent and made more than ten years and we have a house by the sea.

In this place you can find tranquility and an environment to rest, alone where you can listen to the noise of the sea. Anyway, in this place you can practice sports such as serf or winserf, as there are days when windy, or you can fishing, ride horses near the sea, taking a walk, or just sit and watch a beautiful sunset.

I usually go in the summer holidays with my family, but from time to time during the year I some weekend with my boyfriend or with friends to relax and escape the routine. As I mentioned before, when I go to Matanzas, I go to the house we have there is a big and comfortable house and best of all, it is a few steps from the sea.